JUL 2016: 06,27 | AUG 2016: 10, 24 | |||||
SEP 2016: 07, 21 | OCT 2016: 05,12,19,26 | NOV 2016: 02,09,16,23,30 | DEC 2016: 07,14,21 |
Day 1: Departure – Taoyuan International Airport (No Meal) |
Hotel: 3* Taipei Paradise Hotel or similar |
Departure by scheduled flight to Taoyuan International Airport, transferred to your hotel, follow by free day. |
Day 2: C.K.S Memorial Hall / Biscuits Shop / Yeliu-incl. TKT / Chiufen / Xueshan Tunnel / Suahua Scenic Road (B/D) |
Hotel: 3* Hualien NaLuWan Hotel or similar |
[C.K.S Memorial Hall] The most magnificent monuments in Taipei, it commemorate the passing of President Chiang Kai-shek. [Yehliu] The natural rock formations of Yeliu are an amazing array ofartistic shapes created by erosion and other natural forces. [Chiufen] Chiufen was a filming at the domestic film "A City of Sadness", the unique old buildings, slopes and local conditions, due the film attracted attention abroad. [Xueshan Tunnel] or "Snow Mountain" tunnel, is the longest tunnel in Taiwan, located on the Taipei-Yilan Freeway (Taiwan National Highway No. 5). It opened on June 16, 2006. |
Day 3: Taroko Gorge / Taroko Memorial Arch Building / Eternal Spring Temple / Swallow Grotto / Linzhi Museum / Train to Suao / SiWei Castle Station- Harry Potter Theme Pavilion / Jimmy Square / Farm Activities (DIY Sky Lantern) (B/L/D) |
Hotel: Yilan Toucheng Leisure Farm or similar |
[Taroko National Park] The fourth National Park, Taroko Gorge is sufficiently view disdain for the world the geographical landscape. [Eternal Spring Temple] Situated on the valley with the beautiful scene. [Swallow Grotto] This part of Tailuge(Taroko) Gorge is composed of marble cliff faces covered with small holes, the result of long-term erosion by river and ground water. House swifts and Pacific swallows often forage and nest here, giving the place its name. [SiWei Castle Station- Harry Potter Theme Pavilion] Interior style, so that visitors come each visit, and can not help but exclaim like into a magical world! This magical world and is sold in specialty breads, desserts and ice cream [Jimmy Square] Jimmy Square is first theme square in Taiwan, Art from the well-known "Jimmy", Picture book "Turn Left, Trun Right" and "Starry Starry night" scene in the square to reproduce the original. |
Day 4: Taipei Grand Hotel scenic / Tianlu Arts Center / Martyr’s Shrine / Pearl / Taipei 101 Shopping Mall (Observatory own expenses)/ Raoho Night Market (Stop over 2H) (B/L) |
Hotel: 3* Taipei Paradise Hotel or similar |
[Taipei Grand Hotel scenic] Round Mountain landscape view is good, convenient traffic around, surrounding recreation points, there Martyrs, new parks, such as the Grand Hotel, the local trails cicadas heard, Taipei has always been a popular place for people climbing gym. [Martyr’s Shrine] Built to dedicate to the 390,000 soldiers killed in the service of their country. |
[101 Shopping Mall] Taipei101 is a new landmark in Taipei. This building is an integration of the classical Oriental culture and Taiwan local characteristics offering elegant and spacious shopping space within the shopping center(Observatory own expenses). |
[Raohe Night Market] A famous night market in Taipei. There are 138 stalls ,most of them serve snacks and food. |
Day 5: Taipei – Taoyuan International Airport – Home Sweet Home (B) |
Free activities, to designated collection time Transfer to airport for flight back home. |
六天宜蘭花蓮之旅 |
中文行程 |
Day 1: 出發地-桃園機場 (無供餐) |
飯店:3*台北伊樂園、喬美、瑞格商旅或同級 |
飛抵台灣桃園機場,接機送飯店後自由活動。 |
Day 2: 台北中正紀念堂 / 台灣伴手禮店/野柳(包門票) / 九份 / 雪山隧道(途經) / 蘇花公路 / 夜宿花蓮 (早餐/晚餐:靈芝養生料理) |
飯店:3*花蓮那魯灣、天璽飯店或同級 |
【中正紀念堂】是台北最宏偉的紀念性建築,它是”先總統”蔣介石的紀念館。 |
【野柳】野柳岩石因風化、海蝕作用顯得鬼斧神工,其中又以「女王頭」、「燭台石」等最為有名。 |
【九份】是昔日台灣的採金礦中心,環山面海,擁有變化多端的山海美景,保有純樸的舊日生活風貌。 |
【雪山隧道】雪山隧道,原名坪林隧道,簡稱雪隧,是台灣第一、全世界第五長的公路隧道,為蔣渭水高速公路的一部份,位在新北市坪林區與宜蘭縣頭城鎮之間。 |
Day 3: 花蓮太魯閣國家公園 / 牌坊/ 長春祠 / 燕子口步道 / 野生靈芝館 / 乘火車往蘇澳/宜蘭四圍堡車站-哈利波特主題館/幾米廣場 / 幾米星空車站 / 宜蘭農場活動 (製作祈福天燈) (早餐/午餐:阿美風味餐/晚餐:農場BBQ) |
飯店:宜蘭頭城農場或同級 |
【太魯閣國家公園】以大理岩峽谷景觀聞名,崖壁峭立,景致清幽,「太魯閣幽峽」因而名列台灣八景之一。【長春祠】於太魯閣國家公園內,清新的泉水自山壁涌出,形成「長春飛瀑」。周圍具環形步道,可飽覽峽谷及曲流風光。【燕子口步道】燕子口是指中橫公路距靳珩公園約500公尺的大理尺峽谷峭壁上,無數小岩洞的奇景。 |
【四圍堡車站-哈利波特主題館】裡頭為哈利波特特內霍格華茲魔法學院場景的主題餐廳,讓各個前來探訪的旅客,都不禁驚呼像是走入了魔法世界!這魔法世界裡賣著特色麵包、甜點以及冰淇淋。【幾米廣場】宜蘭火車站南側的鐵路局舊宿舍區,除了保留原有的歷史建築與老樹綠蔭,並將原本廢棄的空間規劃成全台第一座幾米主題廣場。 |
Day 4: 台北圓山風景區 / 天祿貔貅招財館 / 忠烈祠 / 珍珠推廣中心 / 台北101大樓商場(觀景台自費) / 饒河街夜市 (停留2H) 早餐 / 午餐:台灣牛肉麵套餐 |
飯店:3*台北伊樂園、喬美、瑞格商旅或同級 |
【圓山風景區】圓山風景區景觀視野佳,附近交通方便,周邊遊憩點多,有忠烈祠、新生公園、圓山飯店等,區內步道蟬鳴不絕於耳,向來是臺北市民登山健身的熱門地點。【忠烈祠】位在圓山飯店旁,背倚青山,面臨基隆河。每小時衛兵交接換哨儀式,更是蔚為特色,值得一看。【台北101大樓】購物中心內規劃有時尚服飾區、名牌精品區、化妝品專櫃、書店等,提供優雅寬敞的購物空間;各大餐廳和美食街有各種不同風味的料理,大宴小酌都適宜;加上運動健身館、休閒SPA等服務,使101購物中心兼具時尚、美饌、娛樂、社交與文化的複合功能(觀景台自費)。 |
【饒河街夜市】有馳名中外的各种特色小吃,整洁、舒适、物美价廉,夜市入口處有古色古香的牌樓,燦爛輝煌的燈火在夜色中格外耀眼。 |
Day 5: 台北-桃園機場-甜蜜的家 (早餐) |
自由活動,於指定集合時間乘車前往桃園機場搭機飛返家園。 |